Summary PDF

Individual Book Details: D0021

Record Date
Collection Name
1841 Great Britain
Ownership Type
Private Collection
Private Owner
1841 Book of Mormon, JW Cummings, Mr A Wilmarth
Inside inscription listing from J W Cummings to Mr. A Wilmarth(SP)
Unique Features
Spine Lettering and Label: decorative spine and label block, spine discoloration starting at title block running up diagonal to upper right corner of spine
Cover: decorative embossing on cover, mirrored decorations on upper and lower half of cover, gilded decoration around cover edge
Binding: two front end papers attached, binding attached
Title Page: Attached
Text: Full
Inscription: second front end paper in ink: “From J W Cummings to Mr A Wilmarth(SP) March 23d 1865 GSL City”
Notes: Marks on inscription page center lower half and at top of page, title page has stain at word ‘abridgment’ near gutter and two stain marks at middle of right edge